Ocean County
Garden State Parkway Interchange 83 Improvements
Virtual Public Information Center
July 15 - July 29, 2022
Event Details
Ocean County is committed to developing transportation improvements that best balance transportation needs, the environment, community concerns and costs. Ocean County will hold a Virtual Public Information Center (PIC) to provide local residents and businesses with information on the Garden State Parkway Interchange 83 Improvements project. You are encouraged to actively participate by providing comments by mail or e‐mail.
Due to the COVID‐19 Public Health Emergency the Public Information Center was held virtually.
Additional Details
Interchange 83 provides access to and from the GSP NB and to GSP SB, but there is no exit from GSP SB at the interchange. Drivers must exit at either Interchange 82 or 89 to access the northern sections of Toms River which exacerbates congestion along the other north-south routes (Route 9, Hooper Avenue, Brick Boulevard, Old Freehold Road, Whitesville Road, Bay Avenue).
A new exit ramp from the GSP SB will be constructed at Interchange 83. The ramp will begin at the existing Interchange 83 toll plaza and terminate at a new signalized “T” intersection at CR 571. In order to accommodate the additional traffic and to improve the operations of the intersection of US 9 and CR 571, improvements to the intersection are proposed. CR 571 will be widened east of the intersection to provide two through lanes in each direction and opposing dual left turn lanes. West of the intersection, CR 571 will be restriped to provide the two through lanes in each direction and one left turn lane.